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What to do when someone passes away?
Our dedicated service representatives are ever ready to assist you every step of the way.

Step 1:Contact our agents or call our dedicated careline
Our agents and service representatives are ready to lend their assistance and guide you on what needs to be done.

Step 2:Planning the funeral
Ensure if there is already a pre-plan in place. Speak with our service representatives on our Nirvana Life Plans if there isn’t, or you can choose to custom plan the funeral.

Step 3:Burial or cremation
Consider between the options of burial and cremation. You may want to recall if the deceased has left specific instructions on this matter and weigh budgetary concerns on both options.

Step 4:Consider the final resting place
Speak to our service representative if you are unsure on this matter. Nirvana manages multiple private landscaped memorial parks across the region that will suit every need.

Step 5:Focus on what matters
You may spend your time on what matters most – grieving, saying your goodbyes and healing.